It is a beautiful sunny day here in southwest Virginia. The forecast is for highs in the mid 50's with some wind. We're expecting gusts of 20-30 mph. John is home for the weekend. I have scheduled herd health for this weekend. All of the 'kids' need their AD & E shots. We also need to weigh, check membranes and body score. Last but not least will be trimming toenails. My friend, Renee, was kind enough to help out on Thursday evening with the younger animals. We did the basic herd health on the 2 babies, and on the little boys, as well as trimming their nails. I also weighed Bubbles but decided to wait for John before trimming her nails.
This weekend, we'll be doing complete he'd health on the rest of the kids. Opal is going to get a hair trim as well. Poor thing, she has so much hair around her eyes that she has to look up to be able to see. You might wonder why we've waited so long to remedy that. She is the barn princess... with the accent on the -cess! lol She prances around the dry lot. She has tons of attitude! Renee and I were going to start on her trim the other day. I had Ruby, Opal and Bubbles closed in the barn for that purpose. I decided to let Ruby and Bubbles outside and Opal managed to push her way out as well! After that, we tried to bribe Opal back in with treats, hay and such but she would have no part of that! She's no dummy!
Here are some photos of barn time for you. I have a shot of each pen, just after dinner time, when they've been given a fresh stash of hay for the evening.
The 'baby' pen: Genny, Fiddler, Doc, Amy, and Genny |
Patches, Solomon, and Ace |
Bubbles, Ginger, Opal and Ruby |
From left to right: Banjo, Zamboni and Wyatt
It is now February 2, Groundhog Day. I have no clue whether 'Phil' saw his shadow. I do know that it's a balmy 54 outside at New River Valley Alpacas. All of the kids are enjoying the sunshine! The chickens are out free ranging and the boys are taking sunbaths!
I have 2 new photos to add of my newest spinning projects. The first is more 'funky' yarn, played with a metallic thread. The second photo is alpaca fiber dyed blue. I can't wait to try my hand at dyeing! I had some help with the yarn shown here.
Blue Sparkle Cloud |
Blue Alpaca |
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