The girls after shearing |
Banjo being prepared for shearing |
Banjo after shearing - 2010 |
Hi all!
We sheared on Wednesday, April 20. Bubbles hadn't delivered yet so she was shorn first, to minimize the stress level for her. They all look so different now! We have 10 nekked animals on the farm! lol It's always interesting to see how they react to the experience. Bubbles screamed the whole time. Opal was spitting. They sure feel better now to have all that fiber gone! Now my work begins! I get to sort through bags and bags of fiber. I'll be cleaning "blankets" and deciding how to get it all processed. (The blanket is the primary fiber that comes off the animal: to clean is basically to carefully shake out dirt and pieces of hay that is stuck to the fiber) I was so busy helping with the shearing activities that I didn't get any photos but I took some last year so I will post a couple of photos from 2010. I'll also add some after photos from this year.
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