I have been very, very busy with my spinning over the last month. I joined the Spunsters up in Blacksburg a couple of months ago, so my wheel and I head to Blacksburg most Thursdays for 2 hours of spinning. Wednesday mornings are saved for spinning club in Pulaski. My newest endeavor in the fiber realm is learning to dye fiber. I'm having lots of fun!!
Other farm news: More of the chickens are laying now. They have graduated to hen status. I'm not sure which ones are still pullets. The most eggs I've had in a day is 9. We had one that was so large that it wouldn't fit in the egg carton. John had that one for breakfast one morning. It was a triple yolk!!! See below for the photo we took of this treasure!
Our first triple yolk egg |
My first handspun alpaca skein - a blend of fiber from Ginger and Solomon |
The weather is cooling off a bit now. We had temperatures in the 90's less than 2 weeks ago. Last weekend, we got 5-6 inches of rain in just 2 days, thanks to Hurricane Irene! Things are drying out now but fortunately the air temp is a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler.